exercise 05 :: Fermi surface, projected density of states, band structure and electron density of FCC Cu

The aim of the following exercise is demonstrate calculation of the Fermi surface, projected density of states (PDOS), band structure and electron density for Cu FCC crystal. For DFT calculations assume lattice constant of 3.597 Angstrom, for pseudopotential use Cu.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF with the energy cutoff ecutoff = 45 and for the kinetic energy cutoff for charge density and potential ecutrho = 240.


Fermi surface calculation:

  1. perform calculation = 'scf' using pw.x program. Set the ? in the following input file. Be aware of units for celldm(1) parameter.

     title = 'fcc Cu'
     calculation = 'scf'
     restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
     pseudo_dir = './',
     outdir = './tmp',
     prefix = 'cu'
     tprnfor = .true.
     tstress = .true.
     ibrav = 2, celldm(1) = ?, nat = 1, ntyp = 1,
     ecutwfc = ?, ecutrho = ?, occupations = 'smearing',
     smearing = 'marzari-vanderbilt', degauss = 0.01
     startingpot = 'file'
     conv_thr = 1.D-7
     diagonalization = 'david'
     mixing_beta = 0.7
     Cu  63.546 Cu.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
     Cu 0.0 0.0 0.0
     K_POINTS (automatic)
        10 10 10   0 0 0

Find Fermi energy in the output file, e.g., grep Fermi out.pw-scf.

  1. perform calculation = 'nscf', i.e., non-selfconsistent calculations for

    K_POINTS (automatic)  
     30 30 30  0 0 0
  2. Download c2x program and run it to extract the Fermi surface
    ./c2x --bxsf tmp/cu.xml copper.bxsf
    To plot the Fermi surface use
    xcrysden --bxsf copper.bxsf

enter image description here


PDOS on particular atomic orbital can be written as follows
where the Bloch wave function is projected to an atomic orbital with a specific orbital momentum. For DOS and PDOS calculation we use tetrahedron method setting occupations = 'tetrahedra' (removing smearing and degauss) and perform non-selfconsistent calculations setting calculation = 'nscf' to obtain electronic density for further post-processing.

  1. For total DOS calculation use the following input for dos.x program:

       prefix = 'cu'
       outdir = './tmp'
       bz_sum = 'tetrahedra'
       emin = 0.0
       emax = 25.0
       deltaE = 0.1
       fildos = 'K30_tetra_de0.1.dos'
  2. For PDOS calculations we will use projwfc.x program (see documentation for input parameters ). The input file projwfc.in is as follows:

         prefix = 'cu',
         outdir = './tmp'
         filproj = 'pdos.proj'

    To run the PDOS calculations invoke: projwfc.x < projwfc.in > out.projwfc_pdos.

  3. To plot the DOS and PDOS you can use the following gnuplot script:

     set term x11
     set title "Density of states of FCC Al"
     set ylabel "DOS (1/eV)"
     set xlabel "E - E_F (eV)"
     set style fill noborder
     set style fill transparent solid 0.35 noborder
     set key right
     set grid
     p [-10:10] \
       'K30_tetra_de0.1.dos' u ($1-EF):2 t"total" w l lt 1 lw 2,\
       'cu.pdos_atm#1(Cu)_wfc#3(d)' u ($1-EF):2 t"d-orbital" w filledcurves lc rgb "forest-green",\
       'cu.pdos_atm#1(Cu)_wfc#2(p)' u ($1-EF):2 t"p-orbital" w l lt 3 lw 2,\
       'cu.pdos_atm#1(Cu)_wfc#1(s)' u ($1-EF):2 t"s-orbital" w l lt 2 lw 2

enter image description here


Band structure calculations for the FCC Cu is similar to previous exercise 04 resulting in the following plot:

enter image description here


Electron density plot can be performed using pp.x < edp.in where the input file is as follows:

    prefix  = 'cu'
    filplot = 'tmp.pp'
    plot_num = 0,
   filepp(1)='tmp.pp', weight(1)=1.0
   e1(1)=1.0, e1(2)=0.0, e1(3)=0.0
   e2(1)=0.0, e2(2)=1.0, e2(3)=0.0
   e3(1)=0.0, e3(2)=0.0, e3(3)=1.0
   x0(1)=0.0, x0(2)=0.0, x0(3)=0.0
   nx=50, ny=50, nz=50

The resulting electron density plot stored in the edp_3d.xsf can be plot by XCrysDen or VESTA program:

enter image description here

Martin Gmitra :: martin.gmitra@upjs.sk
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.